The WesFoodie isn’t too proud to admit that he has spent many a night draped over the couch, mouth ajar, tongue drooping down chin, staring mesmerized at the television. Watching the Food Network. Now I can get just as cranky about the current line up as anyone but I will try at least to remain calm over the network programmers’ seeming inability to stop reshuffling, cancelling, and developing new, ever less substantial shows.
Ah, the golden age – probably around two years ago – when Rachel Ray had but one show

No, I will focus on one thing only.
Have you ever noticed that all of the food advertised on the Food Network is really bad and bad for you? Yeah, its all white fat food – ultra processed and super high in calories. And they have those fake show commercials where the announcer walks you through a recipe for making junk food that will make mom fat, give dad a heart attack and leave the kids in a diabetic coma: “Just take a loaf of white bread, hollow it out and stuff it full with real whipped dessert topping. Then dunk your loaf in a bowl of heavy cream and corn syrup. Add the food coloring and viola!, a fun treat for the whole family.”
Perhaps this explains why they yanked out of prime time the two remaining really great shows (besides Iron Chef): Restaurant Makeover and Recipe for Success. Who wants to go out and buy a whole mess of sweet squirty stuff after watching someone trying to eke out a living in the food business? Let’s face it, there’s nothing about seeing a struggling food entrepreneur borrowing from the kids’ college saving plan to finance their organic pasta venture that motivates going out and buying a forty eight pack of frosted treats at Costco. Reality is just not yummy enough for Food TV.
Let’s look at the new shows in the fall lineup. Tell me these

1 comment:
Ah, Wesfoodie. . . that last one reminds us of our good ole college days with the wonderous fair at North.
I don't recall the scantilly clad hard-bodies allowing warm chocolate to dribble down on their bellies, though. Perhaps that was next door.
Appendix Guy
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